(Yes, we discontinued this blog a long time ago, but I came across a particular anti-Mormon post that shocked me. What shocked me was how many readers of his missed the blatant misleadings and contradictions in his article. So I had no choice but to expose, in detail, his subtle and not-so-subtle deceptions hoping to empower those of God's children seeking truth who are easily tangled in the webs of the adversary and encourage them to seek truth from another Source. I also include screenshots of this writer's blog post so he cannot delete the portions I am exposing and claim I am making this all up.)
In other words, Christ set up a system of apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists, and teachers for
In Ephesians Chapter 4, the Apostle Paul teaches us why Christ organized His church. The last reason he gives is us is to protect us from those who “...lie in wait to deceive.” (Eph 4:15)In other words, Christ set up a system of apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists, and teachers for
- the perfecting and edifying of the saints
- the work of the ministry
- to bring us to a unity of faith and knowledge
- and to protect us from being deceived by blog posts like those written by Zo-ma-ra.
The following is my
examination of Zo-ma-ra's article "Prophecy and Paradigm" in which he attempts to convince the reader that "there are no 'official channels' for God."
I guarantee you will be as shocked as I was when I expose his outright distortions of scripture, word for word, betraying your trust as I compare his words with the scriptures he both references and quotes as evidence.
Hopefully, by the end of this article, you will be better able to spot this type of deception in your future pursuit of truth, and disassociate yourself with a writer who is too willing to rewrite, misrepresent and misquote scripture to persuade you to his way of thinking.
I guarantee you will be as shocked as I was when I expose his outright distortions of scripture, word for word, betraying your trust as I compare his words with the scriptures he both references and quotes as evidence.
Hopefully, by the end of this article, you will be better able to spot this type of deception in your future pursuit of truth, and disassociate yourself with a writer who is too willing to rewrite, misrepresent and misquote scripture to persuade you to his way of thinking.